Comic Credits
by Estelle, Jung Soo & Viet-Hai
Panel 1
This story follows fashion model Perseus, the son of tech typhoon Zeus.
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Our young hero follows the beautiful insta-baddie Medusa on Instagram. Her body is extraordinary with curves as smooth as snakes. But alas, she refuses to post a photo of her face.
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Her thousands of followers dream of what she looks like, thinking only a beautiful face could match her perfect body.
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Perseus, infatuated by her beauty, decides he must find her in person to finally see her face. He uses his father's influence to stalk her on the internet. Eventually, he locates her house.
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The hero flies to Medusa's mansion in Greece to catch a glimpse of his love.
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Perseus breaks into Medusa's home and finds her surrounded by beauty products. Struck by her complexion, he reaches for his camera to take a photo.
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Medusa immediately turns around an puts on a mask. Infuriated that he dare enter her home, she pulls out a pistol to shoot the young man.
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Medusa cuts off our young hero's head and tosses it into a pile of others who dared to look upon her beauty.